From recent studio notes:
Building the work
Having a blast
Turning my pockets insde out
Measuring time: day in, day out
Sticky web
Hugging the trees
Wind Watching
Making an offering
Finding my courage
Stating my purpose
Healing myself
Availing myself to magic
Underthinking it
Speeding up and slowing down
Devoting my life to the shapes I’ve yet to configure
These ideas are always burbling below the surface, both when I’m not consciously aware of them and when I’m in making-mode like I am now. Hello again.
Over the weekend I finished the last few drawings for the show. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with myself when they were done. I’m feeling sentimental towards these final pieces – bookends to the experience of the last year.
I’m keeping them up on my wall until the last minute, even though I know they’re just sticks on the river.