Category Archives: residency

16 January 2022

I remember sitting on a swing we constructed when younger. It was situated at the bottom of the garden, between two apple trees.

Around September time I think about the year ahead, and identify a word I would like to use as a form of inspiration during this time. I either set aside time to think about what the word may be, or it may come and find me. The word ‘play’ came into my mind as autumn appeared.

I therefore decided to explore this as a theme. The investigation of light last week was also part of this. I started by writing a list of activities which have brought enjoyment at different life stages. As I wrote this, I kept thinking about the variety of swings I was taken to in childhood. I wondered how I would feel visiting a playground now as an adult? Would the scale of the swings feel different? Would I find my own momentum?

I went out on a photo walk to a nearby playground. As it gets dark earlier in London at present, it looked like night by the time I arrived. The play area was also being refurbished. This made me think about fun and enjoyment in adulthood, how this can be self-made, experienced with barriers, or hidden. Also, how the act of play can be a form of maintenance or healing.

As part of this theme, I also wanted to create a new routine prior to creating. This will be an organic process, however at present it consists of an assortment of the following:

Mindfulness meditation
Find a guided visualisation for creativity
Cultivate gratitude
Light a candle
Burn incense
Collate materials
Make a tea or coffee
Fill a water bottle
Put on a radio show or playlist
Decide on the duration for focused activity
Set a timer
Look at where I ended at the last creativity session
Identify a rewarding activity to undertake afterwards
Finish (wherever I am at)
Review work made
Revisit gratitude
Undertake reward

Making lists has always brought me much comfort.

09 January 2022

I am looking forward to the journey of this @HOME RESIDENCY over the next six months. 

This week, I have been drawn to capturing various light sources due to the time of year.  For me, light can bring comfort in the darker months here in London.  I am interested in the abstract shapes which can develop over time, and the emotions these may instil.  I find light can be enriching as well as mysterious, and would like to investigate this interplay.  From natural to artificial, or text-based illuminations, I want to see what I can discover as a basis for photo, video, and sound-based works.