studioELL artist from London, GB, Spring 2020
F302i Workshop in Collage

studioELL artist from New York, NY, Autumn 2020
P201i/P301i Intermediate & Advanced Painting
Anytime Course
A self-paced course designed to be taken at any time, independent of a structured term schedule. Artists work through course materials at their own pace, with periodic check-ins from the professor for guidance and feedback.
Someone who enrolls in a studioELL course and is a member of a course cohort.
Asynchronous Learning
Learning that takes place on your own time while meeting all assignment deadlines. Course prompts and materials are provided in advance via email, allowing artists to work at their own pace within the course schedule.
Brief / Prompt / Assignment
The assignment component of a session.
A themed class offering that may include up to ten weekly sessions.
Course Cohort
All enrolled artists within a course.
Course Code
A prefix code that identifies your specific course. A course code may end with:
“i” — denoting an online course
“h” — denoting a hybrid course (both online and in-person)
No suffix — denoting a physical course
Course Guide
A full course description provided by the course professor. Similar to a syllabus, the course guide outlines the course schedule, materials and expectations.
Hybrid Course (course ends in “h”)
A course that includes both online and in-person components and/or combines asynchronous and synchronous learning.
Independent or Directed Study
A self-directed course with one-on-one instruction from a professor, tailored to an artist’s specific needs and goals.
Mentorship Program
An evolving program that offers long-term, flexible study with select professors, allowing for deeper engagement and individualized feedback.
Online Course (course ends in “i”)
A course that takes place entirely online using a mix of asynchronous and synchronous modalities.
Physical Course
A course that takes place entirely in person at a designated physical location.
Someone who leads a studioELL course.
A single unit of a course, often structured on a weekly basis, though frequency may vary depending on the specific course. Each session includes assignments, prompts and engagement opportunities.
Short Course
A condensed version of a full course that runs for a shorter duration, typically ranging from one to four weeks.
Studio Visit
A one-on-one meeting with a professor for focused feedback and discussion on an artist’s work. Studio visits may be included in a course or scheduled separately.
Synchronous Learning
Learning that takes place in real time through scheduled live sessions with your professor and/or course cohort, typically via Zoom.
studioELL previously ran a full-year, three-term curricular schedule, offering Autumn, Winter and Summer courses. We have since shifted to a more flexible model, focusing on Summer Courses and Anytime Courses to better accommodate artists’ schedules and evolving learning needs.